Story points 3
Hard Prerequisites
  • TOPICS: Intro to Docker and Docker-compose

  • Installation:

    • We are using Postgres
    • Instead of installing Postgres on your computer, you can launch it with a docker composition
    • MySQL is nice and lot’s of people use it in industry, but it doesn’t actually implement standard SQL, it sort of does it’s own thing a bit. Postgres is a much more standard DB, and industry loooooves it


    Part 1: Creating a database

    Save all of your instructions in a script file - you will submit this file on Gnomio and github.

    1. Create a database called “Umuzi”.

    2. Create the following tables in the Umuzi database:

      • Customers
      • Employees
      • Orders
      • Payments
      • Products
    3. Create a primary key for each table with auto-increment (make sure you correctly specify the data types, e.g. the ID field should be int).

    4. Create foreign keys so that every ID in the order table references an existing ID in the tables referenced (e.g., ProductID, EmployeeID, etc).

    5. INSERT the records in the tables below into the table you created in step 2.

    6. Document what information is stored in your database. Be sure to say what information is kept in what table, and which keys link the records between tables.

    Customers Table

    CustomerID (int) FirstName (varchar50) LastName (varchar50) Gender (varchar) Address (varchar200) Phone (int 10) Email (varchar100) City (varchar20) Country (varchar50)
    1 John Hibert Male 284 chaucer st 084789657 john@gmail.com Johannesburg South Africa
    2 Thando Sithole Female 240 Sect 1 0794445584 thando@gmail.com Cape Town South Africa
    3 Leon Glen Male 81 Everton Rd,Gillits 0820832830 Leon@gmail.com Durban South Africa
    4 Charl Muller Mal 290A Dorset Ecke +44856872553 Charl.muller@yahoo.com Berlin Germany
    5 Julia Stein Female 2 Wernerring +448672445058 Js234@yahoo.com Frankfurt Germany

    Employees Table

    EmployeeID (int) FirstName (varchar50) LastName (varchar50) Email (varchar100) JobTitle (varchar20)
    1 Kani Matthew mat@gmail.com Manager
    2 Lesly Cronje LesC@gmail.com Clerk
    3 Gideon Maduku m@gmail.com Accountant

    Orders Table

    OrderId (int) ProductID (int) PaymentID (int) FulfilledByEmployeeID (int) DateRequired (datetime) DateShipped (datetime) Status (varchar20)
    1 1 1 2 05-09-2018 Not shipped
    2 1 2 2 04-09-2018 03-09-2018 Shipped
    3 3 3 3 06-09-2018 Not shipped

    Payments Table

    CustomerId (int) PaymentID (int) PaymentDate (datetime) Amount (decimal)
    1 1 01-09-2018 R150.75
    5 2 03-09-2018 R150.75
    4 3 03-09-2018 R700.60

    Products Table

    ProductId (int) ProductName (varchar100) Description (varchar300) BuyPrice (decimal)
    1 Harley Davidson Chopper This replica features working kickstand, front suspension, gear-shift lever R150.75
    2 Classic Car Turnable front wheels, steering function R550.75
    3 Sports car Turnable front wheels, steering function R700.60

    Part 2: Querying a database

    Save all of your instructions in a script file - you will submit this file on Gnomio and github.

    1. SELECT ALL records from table Customers.

    2. SELECT records only from the name column in the Customers table.

    3. Show the name of the Customer whose CustomerID is 1.

    4. UPDATE the record for CustomerID = 1 on the Customer table so that the name is “Lerato Mabitso”.

    5. DELETE the record from the Customers table for customer 2 (CustomerID = 2).

    6. Select all unique statuses from the Orders table and get a count of the number of orders for each unique status.

    7. Return the MAXIMUM payment made on the PAYMENTS table.

    8. Select all customers from the “Customers” table, sorted by the “Country” column.

    9. Select all products with a price BETWEEN R100 and R600.

    10. Select all fields from “Customers” where country is “Germany” AND city is “Berlin”.

    11. Select all fields from “Customers” where city is “Cape Town” OR “Durban”.

    12. Select all records from Products where the Price is GREATER than R500.

    13. Return the sum of the Amounts on the Payments table.

    14. Count the number of shipped orders in the Orders table.

    15. Return the average price of all Products, in Rands and in Dollars (assume the exchange rate is R12 to the Dollar).

    16. Using INNER JOIN create a query that selects all Payments with Customer information.

    17. Select all products that have turnable front wheels.