Multivariate Linear Regression

Story points 3
Tags multiple-linear-regression
Hard Prerequisites
  • PROJECTS: Statistical Thinking
  • PROJECTS: Cross-validation & Simple Linear Regression
  • Soft Prerequisites
  • TOPICS: Python self-learning
  • TOPICS: Jupyter notebooks best practices

  • This week is all about one-hot encoding and multiple regression.

    Background materials

    1. Robust One-Hot Encoding in Python
    2. Feature Engineering and Selection ebook
    3. One-hot encoding multicollinearity and the dummy variable trap
    4. Emulating R Regression Plots in Python
    5. Statsmodels Regression Plot
    6. Building and evaluating models.
    7. Test/Train Splits and Crossvalidation
    8. Interpreting residuals plot Stattrek and Statwing


    We will predict employee salaries from different employee characteristics (or features). Import the data salary.csv to a Jupyter Notebook. A description of the variables is given in Salary metadata.csv. You will need the packages matplotlib / seaborn, pandas and statsmodels.

    Steps and questions

    1. Perform some exploratory data analys (EDA) is by creating appropariate plots (e.g scatterplots and histograms) to visualise and investigate relatioships between dependent variables and the target/independent variable (salary).
    • Create a descriptive statistics table to further characterise and describe the population under investigation.
    • Which variables seem like good predictors of salary?
    • Do any of the variables need to be transformed to be able to use them in a linear regression model?
    1. Perform some basic features engineering by one-hot encoding the variable Field into three dummy variables, using HR as the reference category
    • You can use pandas’ get_dummies() function for this (refer to “Background materials 1-3”).
    1. Perform correlation and statistical significance analysis to validate the relationship salary to each of the potential predictor variables:
    • Calculate Pearson correlation coeffificent and plot the correspnding correlation matrix
    • Calculate p-values related to the Pearson correlation coeffificents
    • Address any problems that may adversely affect the multiple regression (e.g multicollinearity)
    1. Conduct some basic feature selection tasks by aggreating results from EDA, correlation matrix and p-values. Justify your feature selection decisions.
    2. Split your data into a training and test set.
    3. Train model:
    • Fit a multiple linear regression model using a training dataset with corresponding features selected above
    • Use the multiple linear regression model created from independent variables selected above and the training dataset to predict salary using the training dataset.
    • Interpret the standardised coefficients given in the statsmodels output.
    • What are the most important features when predicting employee salary?
    1. Test model:
    • Run your model on the test set.
    1. Evaluate model
    • Calculate and eplxain the significance of the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and R-squared values for your model
    • Calculate the standardised residuals (resid()) and standardised predicted values (fittedvalues()).
    • Plot the residuals versus the predicted values using seaborn’s residplot with predicted values as the x parameter, and the actual values as y, specify lowess=True.
    • Are there any problems with the regression?
    1. Benchmark with cross-validation model
    • Perform cross-validation using the training dataset, test and evaluate the cross-validation model with test data
    • Compare performance of the cross-validation model (less prone to over-fitting) to determine whether the developed model has overfitted or not
    • Does it seem like you have a reasonably good model?


    Data is made up and inspired by Cohen, Cohen, West & Aiken. Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, 3rd Edition.