semitone difference - Make a simple GUI

Hard Prerequisites
  • PROJECTS: semitone difference - basic algorithm
  • TOPICS: DOM manipulation with vanilla JavaScript

  • Create a basic web site that a user can use to interact with the JamBuddy class.

    If you are required to do this ni a web framework then do so, otherwise create a simple index.html page that a user can just open in their browser.

    • Make a button with the text “Get random notes”. If the user clicks on this button then the selectNotes function should be called and the notes should be displayed on the screen.
    • make an input box where the user can enter their answer.
    • create a button with the text “Submit answer”. If the user clicks this button then the checkAnswer function should be called.
      • if the answer is correct then display the message “You got it right .Well Done!”
      • if the answer is incorrect then display the message “Wrong answer! Try again”

    Acceptance criteria

    TDD is a must. Yes, you need to even unit test your DOM manipulations