Memory game web app

Story points 5
Tags TDD Dom Manipulation Mocks and spies

Here is an example of a memory game:


Create a Memory game MVP. Requirements:

  • Take a moment to google MVP. If you add unnecessary features we’ll ask you to remove them
  • make use of simple dom elements, no fancy graphics needed or canvas stuff
  • a single player can play the game
  • board is a pre-defined size
  • board allows one set of symbols or images to be randomly hidden

Build your game in a TDD manner. If you don’t include tests in your final submission you will be held back and you will be expected to start over.

Unit testing

Tests are very important. Please follow the following best practices:

  • tdd!!!
  • if you are using plain ol js then your tests need to make use of mocks and spies to check that the frontend is being updated as it should be